Dr. Thomas report. What does this mean for me?


Hello All!

I need help breaking down what I’m looking at with this report. In other words, could someone with a full understanding of this explain to me how these genes coexist and what that means for me (generally)? I’m on a journey for balance as most of you are I’m sure. I’ve had lingering symptoms for the better part of 18 years that I could never put my finger on and explain. After receiving my 23andme report and feeding it through these analyzers, I’m starting to wonder whether the explanation to my woes is staring me in the face. Any insight would be much appreciated!

Also, I acknowledge that I am leaching off of years of due diligence by those experienced enough to respond. So, I whole heartedly thank you in advance for lending your knowledge :slight_smile:

I have decided that one needs a degree in genetics in order to decipher the information here. I believe it is all present (or links to it) but it is not in any order than a person without a degree in genetics can understand without great effort.
I finally found promethease.com
The site isn’t perfect but for $10 I had a report run and I got information in a format I can understand. So far, it has been right on the money with both me and my husband for what is good and bad about our bodies.

Very True!! Although, most people I see on these sites are dealing with some sort of methylation issue that seems to be assisted by various forms of b12, methyl folate, vitamin D, lithium and other cofactors. So my biggest dilemma here is finding the least common denominator (as it were) to start restoring my body as I gain more insight and clarification throughout my journey.

Someone here understands the general connection of some of these variants to shed some light.

Promethease is worth every penny. Put Live Wello and Prometheae together, even better!. Look up Reddit Genetics for a wonderland of information for free.

I believe that the focus on the Human Genome and the polymorphisms that predispose us to diseases is misguided. That focus merely overlays human genetic variations on something of far greater concern that is amiss in our environment, mainly, the assault on our microbiota.

We live in a culture that mechanized farming by using weed killers to introduce no-till planting and harvesting of crops. The justification in part for using herbicides in such large quantities was that they are safe because, although they kill all plants, they are “harmless to humans”. The problem is that 90% of our cells and 99% of our genes are not human, they are the organisms that digest our food, protect our gut lining, generate our hormones and other catalysts that induce specific biochemical reactions in the body, and many highly essential micronutrients (including the methylation ones). All our nonhuman genetic material is disrupted by herbicides. Tens of major diseases that we have in the western world are not present in traditional societies that eat more fiber, avoid prepackaged, refined, stabilized foods, and who actively raise food without our highly mechanized approaches. Since the introduction of no till-farming we have seen a steady rise in chronic illnesses, (heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and cancer), allergies, autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, MS), depression, and many other health concerns that our own genes can play a small role in advancing. However, the elephant in the room is the assault on our microbiota and the integrity of our defense systems.

Tim Ferriss, in talking on Ketosis, Microbiome, Lyme Disease, and Biomarkers (YouTube), says he was out of commission for six months trying to overcome Lyme disease. It wasn’t until he tried a ketogenic diet that his health returned. He doesn’t say why that happened but assumes that the antibiotic regimens given to get rid of Lyme disrupt the gut so thoroughly that his health did not improve. The person interviewing him (Rhonda Patrick) says she tested her own genes because she was super concerned about dementia. She was upset when she got her results back and found out she had one allele of ApoE4, associated with Late-Onset Alzheimer’s disease. Your rs429358 of CT and rs7412 of CC puts you in the same position as Rhonda, which 25% of people have. She changed her lifestyle to compensate for her gene variation, which all humans had at one time to protect against assaults from parasites. Rhonda now eats healthy, stays active, both physically and mentally, and tries all the dieting, heat/cold shock, and other hacks that help preserve health. She also avoids risks that would expose her brain to increased inflammation. I think that is where you should put your emphasis. For methylation concerns, eat real foods, especially the kind with fiber, and only eat organic foods. The higher cost of foods will be offset by lower medical costs and deficits.

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