It is commonly misunderstood that women don’t have G6PD deficiency. However if they inherit an x with it from their father and an x without it from their mother then each cell has a 50/50 chance of being deficient depending on which X chromosome is active in the cell. In the red blood cells it may turn out to be more than 50% so a significant anemia may be caused by administration of any quinine related drug or of course eating favs beans.
There are also sub-G6PD* genes and/or enzymes that are often overlooked by doctors. Livewello did a good job of extracting a fair number of them.
I was supposedly “in the clear” for G6PD until I started taking Dapsone indefinitely for chronic mycoplasma pneumonia. I thought I was going to lose my legs or my veins would all burst. Dapsone is known to interact with quinine drugs. But nowhere does it Buspar? Buspirone. That’s what it was.
I’m being treated mainly as “psych” while my immunologist researches what’s really going on. So I try their silly meds, have zero improvement despite the raving research just published.
As soon as Day 2 on Dapsone (plus valcyclovir - that stuff is BRUTAL on my system and I take it weekly - others have no problem), I straight up quit the Buspar. Lungs are more important!
I find it curious there are no interactions documented.
I also brought up to the “psych” doc that fluconazole (take weekly, indefinitely) interacts with Lexapro. He looked at whatever source he had and said there were no contra-indications!
We need to dance the slippery path of researching drug interactions while not ‘taking on’ the mentioned side effects. (like the Medical School phenonemon - where studying pre-docs come down with symptoms of whatever they are currently studying!)
Hi, my name is Barbara; isn’t it unbelievable they are all treating us as mental cases bc they don’t know anything about genetics?? I had no luck with valcyclovir for EBV and several other viruses. Buspar did nothing, have no doctors here with any clue and their meds are damaging me more… Prayers for you and all of us.
Sorry for the LONG delay! My brain no worky!
For EBV and VZV, I take Valcyclovir every week! 2 days a week.
(also take Dapsone daily for mycoplasma pneumonia, fluconazole 2-days/week for all the fungal - and it’s not keeping up, and used to take Alinia for gut bugs but can’t afford the copay).
This is all “maintenance” until we get to the root. He said as he prescribed it - “this is a band-aid, right?” (in his french accent) Because he keeps digging.
And he found something!!! OMG it’s NOT ALL MY FAULT!!!
After a while, I couldn’t help but believe. I know the mind is powerful, I know I’ve been working w/ my mind intensely (before I couldn’t anymore). Cleaned up my diet of all foods causing immune reaction per lab results. Can’t exercise anymore. Still soak the bed every night - skin being the largest excretory organ. Still dumb as a rock. But I received feedback that I’m a little bit more coherent!
I moved out of mold, finally. I was on my deathbed for a moment there.
I notice my doc (Immuno) takes 2 tests. First is the EBV and VZV IgA / IgM / IgG. (super high) Then after a couple months of ‘maintenance therapy’ he followed up with an EBV DNA test (neg) and VZV DNA test (neg).
Why he didn’t start /w the DNA test, I don’t understand, but he’s seen enough patients trending w/ this stuff he knows what to test, when.
I can’t say it will work for you, but consider approaching your doc w/ a maintenance approach. (the pharmacists were ALL confused about the dosing schedule, almost implying my doc was crazy. I simply said “You must not have many immune patients. He doesn’t want to kill me dosing all at once and these don’t clear.” So I’m not sure how ‘known’ it is with doctors.
I had a functional doc, and a naturopath before him, and he caught a lot of gut bugs which helped a little in terms of not collapsing after a walk. But I continued to decline. The Naturopath deferred me when he saw my overall IgM’s were through the roof. But he knew to test for them!!! The functional doc - get ready to pay a pretty penny for fancy supplements. And it will only get you so far.
I still recommend Invitae genetic testing!!!
Primary Immune panel is what I had, and Medicare covered it.
(I hope you didn’t go onto an Advantage plan!!! Ug!)
Given your virus system is wonky - I’d think an immune panel would be appropriate.
It found a rare genetic disease diagnosis for me, and apparently there’s “lots of money around it” - big pharma dishing out $10k/dose meds for docs to do clinical testing/research. Doc is trying to hook me up w/ another Immuno in NY who this is his special area. It’s an admin nightmare, but out of my control so I just keep on keeping on.
I hope you were able to move.
Something “woo-woo” popped into my head… “Earthing Mats.” We never touch the earth! Always have shoes on, or are inside. How do you prevent a lightning strike from destroying a house? Put up a lightning rod and GROUND IT. If you’re in a car and a power line goes down, how do you stay safe? Stay in the car! (rubber tires. rubber shoe tread…) That’s the theory at least.
I gotta see if I still have mine! (been through 4 moves, lost all kinds of stuff!)
Wishing you the best!
Hi Courtney, i hope this gets to you, not a techie anymore since the stroke and PTSD Hypervigilence.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and your story with me. We have not moved YET, but we are closing this week on Tuesday, and renting back from Buyer up to 2 months while we try to get to the area we want to move to, Macon outside, a little rural ish. Clean air, low noise, looking for rental which are hard to find, the good places go in 2 days and the realtors see them first.
Was really struggling this morning under the stress from our realtor. They are all goofy, even the best of them, $$$$, and now have to STAGE house again for Tuesday (closing day) and the realtors will do a video for Walk-through for the Buyers. Stuff is everywhere, since i haven’t opened boxes in 3 years, and trying to get rid of things that have NO Eternal Value…
Courtney, i’m going to be praying for you, i am a follower of Yeshua and the Holy Bible, no weird stuff, been there and done that. There are many of us having these health issues, most due to the toxins and foods they have poisoned us, th developer have taken over in our county here in FL, we will be getting our Absentee ballots in October so we can carry in during early voting to avoid fraud.
Grateful for you, and your sharing, don’t think most do that. not sure if i can put my email in here, but i’d like to share it, here is the house phone, 369-263-2405.
O, just to let you know. I got some muscle testing done a month ago, the Levothyroxine SOD T4 i’ve been taking for 3 years, and my BODY TOTALLY REJECTED IT!!! so the Endocrinologist put me on Tirosint (140 per month) and it’s in blister pack, no preservatives, no nothing.
I WONDER how many people’s GI systems have been damaged by this generic made all over the place. 3 years!
The praise is, by week 2 on the Tirosint, the projectile vomiting and the dry heaves began to abate, and as long as no stress, allowing the Gastric system to heal,
i know that was one of the MAIN culprits, we were going to switch me a year ago, but it was way too much money. Now i wish i would have, out of pocket is ridiculous. I have the F plan and all that,
but when we move, i will have to go back to an Advantage plan, bc i’ve had all the MRI’s and CTs that i need. O, a miracle happened and the Endocrinologist wanted to see it! My Brain MRI (she reads the actual scans) about 8 months ago, indicated that my Pituitary was normal sized, but it was NOT seated in the fossa, it was at a perpendicular direction, but no abnormalities or tumors). Had another Brain MRI in July, and when i told her that the Pituitary is now seated in the Fossa perfectly, she asked to send her the report.
Ha, told her i’ve had Creative Miracles spoken over me and i know God can do these things, i’ve had miracles before. She has not COMMENTED, bc she is probably scratching her head !!! That’s what The Lord wants to do with All His People…
Bless you Courtney, if you know how we can exchange emails, let me know,