Hi! I recently received the results from LiveWello on the Rheumatoid Arthritis Factor gene. It says I have the double G genotype which means I am high risk for RA. I have been tested many times over the years by doctors and it always comes up negative. Are they doing the wrong tests or can it be a false negative? Thank you!
I’m definitely not a expert, I’m just learning myself but my Dr has told me, just because both of my parents passed genes down to me doesn’t mean those genes will turn on.
Another thought for you; both of my parents passed down all four known genes for MS (so nice of them). I was diagnosed with MS in 2014. Even though I carry all four genes and I have MS, I am one of the blessed people; I am a very high functioning person with MS and tend to lean more towards a bad case of Fibromyalgia.
Both are autoimmune diseases and I have other autoimmune issues. I have changed my diet, sleeping habits, and overall life to be healthier and it’s made a world of difference. I am so much better than I was when I was diagnosed with MS in 2014.
I know that was a long example but I didn’t know how else to say it too you.
I wish you the best on finding answers, Sonya
Thank you Sonja! I don’t think that was too long at all. I think the more I read the more I realize you can have high levels of the ANA Titer and have no symptoms, but you can also have a negative or low level and have a ton of problems. I guess we have a lot more to study with all of these DNA results to really understand how they really affect us.
What’s the frequency of that particular snp?
I don’t know what “the Rheumatoid Arthritis Factor gene” is, but I have at least 5 SNPs with the risk allele…four of them homozygous. My father did have RA - rather severely in fact. Yet, at the age of 66 I don’t have any signs.
Obviously, for many (if not most) conditions, and this must include RA, just having inherited genetic predisposition does NOT mean one will get that condition. It’s very important to keep in mind that truism: an inherited predisposition does NOT mean disease in all or even most cases.
For one thing, the probability of disease from simply having the risk allele (or disease “penetrance”) varies from disease to disease. Also, in many cases, and this includes autoimmune diseases, there are multiple genes and gene SNPs to factor in. Gene-gene interactions must be considered. You might, for example, have some genes which counteract the ones that are associated with disease, being “protective” against it.
When we consider that there are roughly 10million SNPs in the human genome, and only a small fraction of these have been researched well enough to establish clear associations with health conditions, it’s clear that the field is still in its relative infancy.
But your question is a common one: If I have gene (SNP) “x” does this mean I’m going to get the disease? It illustrates the main downside with the accessibility of health-related genetic information - i.e., the “worry” effect that it may induce in those who see the long list of potential ailments for which they’ve inherited predispositions. Having spent a long time pouring over my own reports, I sometimes think it’s a miracle I lived long enough to see them!
Anyway, the best one can do, upon finding genetic risk factors, is to consider the other factors that might contribute to the development of the disease - and to take proactive steps to minimize the risks. For example, with autoimmune-related risk factors, reduce pro-intlammatory foods and behaviors, get good nutrition, adequate rest, movement exercise, etc. … all those things which we know we should do!