I have rs7454108 TT and rs2187668 GG.
I do not know what this represents.
In Promethease both were marked “green” for good.
The G.I. colonoscopy MD however said I had mucous and used the word inflammation three times in one sentence.
He said “no wheat - no milk”.
I had parasites treated by two courses of medicine.
I believe that is the problem.
I stopped all wheat and milk, and all gluten grains. I looked up inflammatory foods and food beneficial for inflammation. I tried Banyan Botanicals “Healthy Kapha”. I tried D’Adamo Swami XP2 software. I added D’Adamo Supplements including Polyflora for Type O.
I feel a lot better.
Will I be able to tolerate gluten?
Will I always have gluten sensitivity?
Do I have environmental or genetic gluten intolerance?